They Said it Couldn’t Be Done

So here’s the deal: my family may need $20,000 by the beginning of June. By that I mean $20,000 more than we’re likely to have. One of the great things about working as a freelance writer is that your income – once you’ve established yourself – is limited only by how much work you’re willing to do. In general, I prefer to work a little and spend time with my family. Although steering this course will mean less time with them, I plan to schedule most of it while they’re asleep. Twenty grand in nine weeks. Every goal-setting advisor or other coach I’ve listened to says that making a goal public exponentially increases your chances of achieving it. I have now drawn my line in the proverbial sand. As of today, I’m on track. I’ll check in from time to time with my progress, and some observations about setting and meeting goals – especially how that affects making a living as a freelance writer or other sort of stay-at-home dad. Thanks for listening.

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