Cross Promotion

The publishers for my travel guide have been at it for a while, so they know how to promote a book. For example, my point of contact got an article in the Huffington Post about “Under The Radar Tourist Towns” featuring my location — Astoria — and other titles in their stable.

See it here:

Several points make this a genius move:

  1. HuffPost is a major news website, meaning he got the word out to a passel of potential purchasers.
  2. The format made it so easy to write, he probably banged it out in half an hour.
  3. Because it’s a news source, it lends the message authority.
  4. Appearing in a news website positions the publisher as a travel expert.
  5. He might have gotten paid. Unlikely with the HuffPost, but the theory is sound.
I used to do similar when I ran a martial arts school, by writing self-defense articles for local newspapers and magazines. You see the major movie studios doing the same by turning their upcoming blockbusters into newsy pieces in the glossies and on TV.
Challenge for the day: come up with three ideas to get somebody to pay you for promoting your work. Write proposals and get paid for one of them.
Thanks for listening.

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