Friday Fun: Grammar Girl

It’s amazing what people can use to build an empire. Take for example Mignon Fogarty, a/k/a “Grammar Girl.”

Getting her start as a science writer, Grammar Girl started blogging about grammar to help her scientifically trained (read: not linguistically trained) colleagues write better.

Today she has a top-rated podcast, popular blog, network of other podcasts, highly followed twitter feed, solid Facebook presence and a series of books available at most major book stores.

Grammar Girl is my hero, and not just because of her grammar geekery mojo. She’s also a great example of how a writer can use multiple platforms to create real success. Follow any of the links below to Grammar Girl’s various products. Look at the scope and extent to really understand how she’s crushing it in her own little corner of the writing world:

Enjoy. Get inspired. As always, thanks for listening.

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