Friday Fun: Travel Blogs

A lot of writers (myself included) use blogs to get their work out in the world. Some blogs are individual efforts. Others are informal collaborative efforts. Still others are professionally edited works on the same level as print magazines.

Travel writing lends itself well to this kind of effort, since good travel writing has the kind of diary feel that blogs naturally suit. Check out these travel blogs: is a one-woman blog on family travel in the Pacific Northwest. She writes professionally for a travel bureau or two. Still a work in progress, but the existing content shows a real promise. takes travel blogs to the professional level with a dedicated editorial staff, top-shelf graphics and pay for content. As the name suggests, it’s food-centric — but includes some compelling destination content as well. — another blog that’s exactly what it sounds like. Good travel content for European travel, with a professional presentation and experienced contributors. is a surprisingly well put-together blog considering it’s the work of a single enthusiastic travel writer. Great content with a personal touch.

What are some blogs — travel or otherwise — that you follow? Why do you follow them? Entertainment? Professional research? Just for the writing?


3 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Travel Blogs

  1. We love The Time-Crunched Traveler. They, Justin & Ellen, have fantastic content directed at folks that are “time crunched”! Many of the posts are about maximizing time in various locations throughout New England but they have an international component as well.

  2. Thanks for mentioning the four travel blogs–Carrie U., Bobbie H., Terri F., and Marilyn McF, all of whom are active with our Travel & Words planning team! Your readers might find a post soon by Marilyn who is presently enjoying a travel sojourn in Turkey with husband John. A couple of additional travel blogs to suggest for your readers include by T&W planning team member Karen G., and by T&W attendee Heather L. from Tacoma WA. Happy travels and happy writing!

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